Answers to
Your TranCare
Please feel free to review our frequently asked questions to find an answer you might have. If you can't find an answer to your question, please go ahead and get a hold of us.
Respuestas en Español:
What area does Trancare serve?
Trancare serves clients that live in Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties.
How can I apply for services?
You can apply by calling People for People at 800-233-1624, Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. This program is only for Provider One/Apple Health clients.
How do I know if I am eligible?
You may be eligible if you are a Provider One/Apple Health Client.
How do I schedule my trips?
TRANCARE DOES NOT SCHEDULE YOUR TRIPS. To schedule your trips you MUST contact People for People at 800-233-1624. Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. They require two business days’ notice for local trips and request five days advance notice for out of area requests.
Who will drive me on my trips?
Trancare will provide volunteer drivers to transport you to and from your medical appointments.
Will there be more than one volunteer driver?
Yes. Trancare has a pool of volunteer drivers within the Trancare program. You will most likely not have the same driver all the time.
Do I have to pay the driver?
No, Trancare trips are free to you. The service is supported by the Medicaid program.
How many trips can I take per month?
You will have unlimited trips if you qualify for the program. The program only allows for medical transportation. Your trips must be approved by People for People.
Where can I go?
You can go all over Washington State. Some common locations we transport clients to are Spokane, Wenatchee, Yakima, and Seattle. You must be a resident of Chelan, Douglas, or Okanogan counties to qualify for services.
Will Trancare drivers take me to multiple locations while on my trip?
Not unless each location is approved ahead of time by People for People. If you have more than one medical appointment on the same day, please let People for People know when you are scheduling your transportation so that more than one “leg” can be scheduled into your transportation schedule.
Will my trip be shared with another eligible rider?
Yes, sometimes trips are grouped together if clients are going to the same location or two different locations that are close to each other.
Are Trancare vehicles wheelchair accessible?
No. Trancare volunteers do not have wheelchair accessible vehicles. If you can transfer from your wheelchair into a vehicle, we can most likely still transport you. Please inform the person scheduling your ride if you will be transferring from a wheelchair so we can make sure to provide you with a vehicle that can fit your folded up wheelchair into it.

Let's get you to your destination today.
We are excited to help you plan out your transportation needs so that you can feel confident in not missing another appointment. Let us guide you with our volunteer driver programs.