About TranCare
TranCare is a 501c(3) and was established in 1969. TranCare currently acts as the subcontractor Medicaid Volunteer Agency for non-emergent medical transportation for Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan Counties and now operates the volunteer driver program, TRIP-Link, a pilot volunteer driver program in partnership with Link Transit.
TranCare's mission is to improve people's lives by providing safe, low cost and efficient volunteer transportation throughout the northwest.
TranCare does not approve or schedule rides for eligible Provider One/Apple Health clients. To request transportation assistance please contact People For People's for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation call center at 800-233-1624, Monday-Friday 8am to 4pm. They require two business days notice for local trips and require five days advance notice for out of area requests.
"Improving people's lives by providing safe, low cost, and efficient transportation throughout the Northwest"
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I apply
for services?
You can apply by calling People for People at 800-233-1624, Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. This program is only for Provider One/Apple Health clients.
How do I schedule
my trips?
TRANCARE DOES NOT SCHEDULE YOUR TRIPS. To schedule your trips you MUST contact People for People at 800-233-1624. Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. They require two business days’ notice for local trips and request five days advance notice for out of area requests.
Who will drive me
on my trips?
Trancare will provide volunteer drivers to transport you to and from your medical appointments.
Do I have to pay
the driver?
No, Trancare trips are free to you. The service is supported by the Medicaid program.